Chamber Minutes - Oct 9th

Chamber of Commerce Meeting
Creekside Restaurant
Minutes taken by Pam Landell, Bead Mecca

Javelin is working with Penny to get the signs made for the community bulletin boards.

October 15th is the YMCA's 10th birthday party and the community is invited. The festivities will be from 11-2, so come and show your support. Also the Y is seeking a new director. Shanna announced that new members who join this month will receive 50% off the enrollment fee.

Jake is still trying to connect with PP&L about the power to the sign and the pole conversion. Tim Freeman offered to assist, as he has a connection there. The Bulbs that were ordered for the Christmas lights were the wrong ones and have been returned, the new and correct bulbs should arrive soon, but the delay will make it more challenging to get them installed. There will be a couple of work parties scheduled to help with that. The donation cans have been distributed and we are making up some more as we get cans. They will go out next week.

Pumpkin flags are still available and are a great way to show some unity downtown, see Joanne at Commonwealth Garden Shoppe. If you have not yet put yours out please do so.

The Balloon Festival is this Saturday in Myrtle Creek. Join them for a pancake breakfast, balloon rides, arts & crafts and demonstrations. The Festival opens at 7:00am and continues throughout the day with a free shuttle to the Riddle Harvest Festival.

Dennis Douglas spoke to introduce himself as a candidate for city council.

The Canyonville Downtown Association will be collecting food through a food drive that will benefit the Lions Club holiday food baskets and the Riddle food bank. The Food Drive will begin October 15th and run through the 15th of November. Containers will be placed throughout Canyonville and Riddle and at the Canyonville Pumpkin Festival. Please give generously, as higher prices in energy and fuel have created increased demand for local families.

UCC and AMIBA are presenting a workshop this Monday and Tuesday. For information on this workshop contact Lily Brislen, Umpqua CDC's MEDAL Program Manager 541-673-4909

Joanne attended a South County Task Force meeting to address the need of a Douglas County Workforce and Education Center in South Douglas County. The meeting was at the Grand Victorian in Myrtle Creek and was presented by UCC. Some of the information centered around the winery trade that would be prime in this area for job development and economic growth. Joan from the City also attended. There will be another meeting with the task force and then the public will be invited.

Tim Freeman will be donating another $50.00 toward a gas card fund-raiser. Tickets will be sold and the money raised will go to the matching funds for the grant for the signs. Tim also wanted to remind everyone of the importance of voting. It is easy and makes a difference.

Judy still has tickets available for Bunco at El Paraiso this Monday. All proceeds will go to bring tourism to South County, which helps all businesses.

Commonwealth Garden Shoppe is the Business of the Month for October.

Javelin inquired if anyone knew when the bridge will be re-opened. It was scheduled for completion in early 2009, but we are hopeful it will open early, as they have recently paved.

Tamara Need 20 more Pies and Pumpkin Cheesecake for the Pumpkin Festival next Saturday (Oct 18th)

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