
Location: Canyon Cyber Cafe

Pioneer Days is over. The Jail made around 550.00, the pie auction about 5500.00. A big thank you goes out to Rod Miller and Seven Feathers for building and donating the Jail, and all the Sheriffs for donating there time to make the arrests. Next year we might offer photos of the detainees. We had a great crowd with a couple complaints some of the tents were vandalized. Tamara will be taking over the application process. Seven feathers will continue to mark spaces and organize vendors. The performers may change for next year. Tentatively we have a Dean Martin impersonator for next year. Next year try to get more ads for entertainment. (on the radio and news papers) All the T-shirts sold!! We still have some hats available.

We'll have the space we need for the 150 @ the the fairgrounds.

The all staff meeting for the school district went very well. They wanted to thank everyone and handed out certificates of appreciation to those businesses that sponsored the event. The enrollment is up and the first day of school went well.

The timer on the north welcome sign is not coming on at the right times we will figure out what the problem is. Do we want to coordinate the lights and water? At this time the lights will stay on.

Lions Club BBQ made about 1000.00 to help with the sight and hearing fund. They have discussed adding a little variety of meats next year.

Dean Kelley won the TV raffle. He was very excited needless to say.

The Canyonville School Committee earned about 1000.00.

Hestehaven will not be renewing there sign on the board.

September 18 there is a scenic byway opening in Scottsburg.

Tim Freeman's office would like to schedule time to talk about the budget and current the legislator.

A marketing workshop with UCDC has been scheduled for Wednesday Sept 30Th 2-3:30 at City Hall.

The new addition to the reader board is almost done. It just needs to be stained.

Dec 4Th is the 2ND annual city wide tree lighting.

Rodeo is Sept 19 & 20Th. We will pass a volunteer calender around at next weeks meeting.

The annual Columbus Day Bunco event will happen again at El Paraiso. Tickets are 25.00/each.

Oct 17Th is the annual Pumpkin and Music Celebration. Tamara is needing volunteers.

Oct 3rd is the last Oregon 150 Chili Cook off for Canyonville.

In Attendance:

Donna Spencer - Leisure Inn
Cheryl Masotto - City hall
Dan Barzee - Canyonville
Chun Cha Mauldin - Lions Club
Chuck Mauldin - Lions Club
Marie Pyevach - Canyonville
Stephanie Bloemendaal - Bloemendaal Tax
Dean Bloemendaal - Bloemendaal Tax
Judy Coleman - Apts
Tamara Hoff - Hoffs Frontier Real Estate
Steve Kelley - SUSD Jenny Gilbert - Umpqua Bank

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