Chamber Minutes - 11/06/08

Chamber Minutes - 11/06/08
Taken by: Pam Landell
Place: Feed Lot

Javelin reported that all but two of the signs are completed for the new community board at Ray's. He will talk to Pam Young to find out who has paid and if there are any spaces available due to non-payment. There is a waiting list for openings on that board.

The Christmas lights are in and paid for. Rod wants to hang them the week before Thanksgiving. A work party will be held at City Hall on Sat, Nov 15th at 8:00 am with a break for lunch.

PP&L has all the pole #s and will get started soon. The electricity to the sign is not looking good at this time. It may be more expensive than expected. Two new poles and one transformer will cost about $10,000 and we would have to get a permit. Joanne will look into the cost of a solar panel to run the 220 1.5HP pump. Judy suggested that someone research grants for green power.

PP&L is resisting hanging banners over the street

Tamara Volunteered her husband Steve & their equipment to dig the ditch for the power line and water. Mike Morris has already offered to do that.

The Lion's Club is seeking donations for the Christmas Baskets. The Chamber agreed to give $500.

The Giant stocking Raffle will be a fundraiser again this year. We agreed to purchase the deluxe stocking for $201. Ray's will let us set up a table out front to sell tickets.

Joanne will be working with the native plants for the lanscape of the sign. Bob suggested we talk to ODOT about possible plant restrictions.

Halloween - The haunted house was a huge success and Jim wants to recognize all the work that Bill and his crew put into the event. Great Job!

Brian announced the raffles of a 25 lb Turkey or a $25.00 gift Certificate. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.00.

Jessica from the News Review talked about a special advertising opportunity. Rates start at $27 and the ads are in full color. The ad will come out the last Tuesday of each month in the Umpqua Shopper and it will be promoted through the News Review with a contest that will direct people to seek it out.

There will be a Christmas tree lighting at the Umpqua Bank street corner on December 5th. Many Businesses will stay open till 7:00 that evening to encourage holiday shopping.

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