Chamber minutes 11/13/08

Chamber minutes 11/13/08

Location: Ken's Sidewalk Cafe'
Taken by: Pam Landell
In Attendance: Listed at the end of the minutes.

Topics covered:
The Christmas light work party will be this Saturday 11/15 at 8:00am. Jake will get the key from Cheryl. Please help if you have some time.

PP&L is actively installing the plug-ins and they should be completed prior to the hanging of the lights. The banners will be next on the list.

Nominations for the 2009 officers are this week and next, elections will be held in December.
So far we have:
President - Judy Coleman
Vice President - Chuck Mauldin
Secretary - Pam Landell
Treasurer - Jim Siegel

Jenny from Umpqua bank talked about their Wish Upon a Star program. They are looking for nominations of people in the area that are deserving of having a special holiday wish come true. If you know of someone who needs a little help this holiday season write a letter nominating them and why. Nominations will be accepted through 12/12 and wishes will be granted from the 8th-19th.

Coats for Kids campaign is starting. Drop off sites are the Canyonville Library and Umpqua Bank. They are seeking new and gently worn coats in all sizes to help low income families in the community.

Cheryl announced that the Oregon 150 Cookbooks are available at City Hall for $10.00. The money raised goes to the events planned for the Oregon 150 celebrations that will take place in 2009. We are still waiting to hear if there will be banners made for the Oregon 150, which will be hung throughout the year in 2009.

The Park Board meeting has been postponed. They will be rescheduling to discuss the fundraising for a shelter for the park.

In Attendance:
Pam Landell - Bead Mecca
Jim Siegel - Canyonville Chiropractic
Dean Bloemendaal - Bloemendaal Tax
Stephanie Bloemendaal - Bloemendaal Tax
Donna Spencer - Leisure Inn
Cheryl Masotto - City of Canyonville
Jenny Gilbert - Umpqua Bank
Marie Pyevace - Canyonville
Joy Curtiss - Canyonville
Chuck and Chun Cha Mauldin - Lion's Club
Bob Deaton - City of Canyonville
Jake Young - Jake's Auto Center
Judy Coleman - Apartments
Joanne Gordon - Commonwealth Garden Shop
Brian Shankle - Jake's Auto Center

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