Chamber Minutes 9/18/2008

Chamber Minutes 9/18/2008
El Paraiso Mexican Restaurant
Taken by: Pam Landell

The Rodeo was well attended even though it seemed slow at times and the food booth was successful. The gross sales were $2221.31. Net total to be determined once all expenses are recorded.

The gas ticket fund raiser is going well. Tickets were sold at the rodeo and raised about $100. Brian still has tickets available, contact Brian at Jakes Auto Center.

PP&L has a new contact that may help expedite the process of installation of the power to the sign and the poles. Jake will follow up on that lead.

The LED lights have arrived. Brian at Seven Feathers will check in the order to make sure it is accurate. There are sponsorships for the lights at $100 each. The donation cans will be distributed next week to participating businesses . If you would like to help raise funds for the Christmas lights contact Pam @ 839-6688 and she will get you a donation can.

Judy is selling tickets for the Bunco event that will be at El Paraiso on October 13th. The tickets are $25.00 each and the money will be split between the Museum and the Tourism group. Jake will be attending. Contact Judy at Ray's market.

The Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser for the Oregon 150th birthday is September 27th at the Masonic Lodge. The labor will be shared with the Riddle Chamber of Commerce. Thanks Riddle!

The Riddle Chamber is patiently waiting for there trophy for winning the Battle of the Chambers.

Pam reminded everyone that the coupons or small gifts are needed by the end of September for the welcome bags that will go to all new businesses and homeowners. This is a graet way to encourage people to visit your business ar utilize your service.

The newsletter deadline is today. All articles and business announcements should go to Madalyn Dixon. You can email her at or drop them off at the Chamber Visitor's Center located next to Bead Mecca.

The October Business Mixer will be at Hometown Insurance. The date and time will be announced.

There is a new business coming to the old liquor store/clothing store/mexican Grocery store that is located on the corner of Fourth and Main St. Lori from Just Cuts has rented the space to open a full service salon that will offer cuts, perms and color. She is looking for a new name and is remodeling the space to accomodate her needs. Mark the barber will remain next to the Post Office. We are very happy to have a new business on the block and will enjoy the smoke free salon!

A special board meeting to discuss the budget will be hald Thursday, Sept. 25th at noon at El Paraiso. This will be for board members only.

Patti spoke about the progress for the Canyonville Pumpkin Festival. She now has an experienced coordinator for the car show. He suggested that we add categories for 20's 30's and 70's. Since the chamber had already committed to the trophys, she will pick up the cost of any additional trophies needed due to this change. She also announce that a billboard on I-5 has been donated for the festival to use. This should help bring in tourism. The Posters are being printed and will be distributed from Ashland to Eugene.

JoAnn will be coming around to sell the pumpkin flags for the chamber. If you don't have one and would like her to stop by contact JoAnn at Commonwealth Garden Shoppe. She also mentioned the marketing workshops we are trying to coordinate. Due to many prior obligations they may be put off until January. The cost will be about $10.00 per person.

Commonwealth Garden Shoppe will be throwing a customer appreciation party and sale this Saturday from 9:30-5:30. Everything will be 25% off and there will be free ice cream.

Ron Brusseau from Knoll Terrace is looking for support for 4-way stop signs to be placed on Main Street. He will be bringing this up at the next City Council meeting.

Cheryl from the City of Canyonville announced openings for the Planning commission (1) and the YMCA Advisory Board (3). If you are interested contact her at City Hall.

The bills for the 08/09 community bulletin board signs were mailed and need to be returned with payment.

A Tree will be planted at Pioneer Park in memory of Wayne Lloyd.

The Park Board, Lions Club and the Pioneer Days Committee will be having a fund raiser to help pay for a shade cover for the bleachers and stage area at the park. The details for this event will be announced, although a tentative date is set for November 13th. There was some discussion about charging a fee for some of the music events or installing more bricks if the drainage problem can be resolved.

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